1. Slowing it down really emphasized it… his little nervous laugh after let’s you know he knows and he has been saying it a lot in front of his crowd

    2. I thought he was trying to say Neighbors… but remembered that they can’t be seen with familiarity or humanity so “Migrants” it is. This season’s new hard R

    3. Who said this? I’ve heard migrant and immigrant being used with the same hate and intention as the N-word from plenty white people nonetheless.

    4. “We’ve gotten so comfortable in MAGA world we forgot how to couch the racism.

      We went from couching our hate to hate fucking our couch.”

    5. Outrageous-Salt3587 on

      Nah he said it.

      it woke my sleeping husband up out his sleep. I said did he really just say that? He said play it again, I did and he said yep…then went back to sleep.

    6. God, I wish he would just go away and take the rest of his wooden head supporters with him👍🏾

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