When you research Marx’s View of Russians, it makes it more ironic that Russia became the first Marxist State

    by TheIronzombie39


    1. Karl Marx… didn’t exactly have a positive view of Russians.

      Marx apparently believed in the 19th Century racist Pseudo-science myth that Russians are “not true Slavs” and that they’re “descendants of Slavicized Mongol Invaders”, saying in 1865…

      >Russia is a name usurped by the Muscovites. They are not Slavs; they do not belong to the Indo-Germanic race at all, they are *des intrus* [intruders], who must be chased back across the Dnieper, etc.

      Marx also believed that Europe should recreate and arm congressional Poland to guard Europe against “Asiatic barbarism under Muscovite direction”, saying in 1867

      >There is but one alternative for Europe. Either Asiatic barbarism, under Muscovite direction, will burst around its head like an avalanche, or else it must re-establish Poland, thus putting twenty million heroes between itself and Asia and gaining a breathing spell for the accomplishment of its social regeneration.

      Marx also apparently said that Socialism could never be achieved in Russia because it was a semi-feudal unindustrialized backwater Absolute Monarchy that had not yet fully experienced Capitalism and Industrialization. According to Marx, if Socialism were attempted in Russia at the time, it would result in a new tyranny no different from the Tsarist one (that ironically he was right about as the Soviet Union was extremely authoritarian)

    2. They didn’t become Marxist, much like the “Democratic People’s Republic of (North) Korea” never become democratic.

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