Trump on immigrants: “They’re not humans, they’re animals”

    by MoreMotivation


    1. Trumps campaign: quit attacking on kamala race.

      One would think hey maybe they need to control him on him attacking on immigrants.

      At this point I wouldn’t be shock if violence happens where some maga kills an immigrant.

    2. Just-Some-Person530 on

      We’re just a few days away from him saying publicly that he’ll deport every black, brown and mix raced person regardless of citizenship status.

    3. Which people are closer to animals? Immigrants yearning for a better quality of life? Or those who dehumanize them to indulge their self-serving prejudices?

    4. yep, i don’t think trump likes immigrants, especially if they’re not white.

      >Donald Trump bemoaned a lack of immigrants to the US from “nice” countries “like Denmark [or] Switzerland”, offering millionaire donors at a Florida fundraiser a reprise of infamous racist Oval Office remarks about people coming to America from “shithole countries”.


      >Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday defended his comments about migrants crossing the southern border “**poisoning the blood**” of America, and he reinforced the message while denying any similarities to fascist writings others had noted.

      >“I never read ‘Mein Kampf,’” Trump said at a campaign rally in Waterloo, Iowa, referencing Adolf Hitler’s fascist manifesto

      >Immigrants in the U.S. illegally, Trump said Tuesday, are “**destroying the blood of our country, they’re destroying the fabric of our country.**”


    5. And he says democrats are raising the temperature with their rhetoric. I cannot wait for this fucker to deplane from this reality.

    6. So it’s Harris’s and Biden’s rhetoric that has to stop , as that’s why he keeps getting shot at ? yet they just report on his own words

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