It’s like an old story

    by ThisGonnaHurt


    1. All that waiting around gets you an ogre or penniless thief? Damn, lemme get up and see what’s outside.

    2. I get asked this exact question more often than you would ever know. As in how will a man ever find me.

    3. I mean, I met my girlfriend in our shared college apartment so it’s not totally impossible.

    4. You gotta come out that room at some point. But aye with social media now don’t worry he gonna be knocking on ya door jus look in ya DMs

    5. Sure, one was the pinnacle of man. The eyes, the smile, the smolder, and the other one ended up dating Rapunzel.

    6. Primary_Durian4866 on

      You know what they have that you don’t? Name recognition. You gotta get yourself a marketing team and get your name out there. You want people to fight dragons they gotta know who and where.

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