The warning sign on this gas pump

    by Materidan


    1. Why we pump out own gas? We already F might as well pay 10 cents more per gallon and have a gas tender onsite!

    2. I drove cross country in 2018 and encountered 2 pumps that did not have these types of signs up but created a dangerous mess. Both were in the South.

    3. Truthisnotallowed on

      Happened to me one time.

      I was pumping gas and it failed to shut off when the tank was full – gasoline came pouring out all over – got all over my pants. Scared the heck out of me.

      Good thing there was no flame anywhere around to set me aflame.

    4. I pulled up to a station and saw a guy sitting in his truck keeping warm and gas was going everywhere, I means gallons and gallons. I started frantically yelling and waving and pointing and he thought I was robbing him. I later overheard him yelling that he’s not paying $170 for it!

    5. Fun fact – in Australia nearly every pump has had the handle lock disabled so you have to stand there and hold the trigger.

      Drives me fuggin’ INSANE.

    6. Lawyers are going to hanging out around that pump doing research on that new boat they have been looking to buy.

    7. Wow, what country is this? USA? In Canada this gas station would be shut down and fined so heavily they’d probably have to change ownership. Most gas stations here have removed the little clip that keeps the gas pumping on its own, and you have to hold it anyways..

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