Fake it til you make it

    by Beboprunner


    1. We heard you like flying planes, so we put a flight simulator in your plane so you can fly while you fly.

    2. Fighting against the machine. Autopilot took his jerb and now if he wants to ~~flight~~ fly he has to simulate it.

      Edit: Sleepy typo

    3. I would absolutely do this if I was a pilot. It’d be really interesting to match the real actions with the sim ones and see if the result is exactly the same in the game.

    4. You can be safe assuming most pilots play flight simulator games, he probably had a bit of time before going through all the checklists and procedures before taking off and played a game.

    5. Exciting_Pass_6344 on

      My brother is a pilot. Pretty sure the only thing I’ve ever seen him play on a computer is a flight simulator.

    6. Ezpz just set up identical parameter in the Sim, but launce 5mins before take off so you get friendly 5min heads up about upcoming events.

    7. I went to college with *many* commercial aviation majors, you’d be stunned at how often these guys fire up ms flight simulator for fun.

    8. I had a friend in the Air Force, and he took and another friend into the cockpit of a C-130 and he was telling us that other than landing, it pretty much didn’t need a pilot. Just put where you’re going into the terminal and it would get you there, but it still needed help landing. That was 30+ years ago, it probably can land itself by now.

    9. I had a friend married to a, severely over worked, air traffic controller. He had a whole 737 miniature flight deck chassis in his basement with multiple monitors and the actual flight control board in front of him for his time behind the stick on Microsoft flight simulator. These guys quite literally eat, sleep and breathe this stuff. 😂

    10. Seems like a man passionate with his career.

      That said though, the most prominent pilot that play Flight Simulator I know of is the MH370 pilot … and that doesn’t exactly inspire confidence.

    11. Holymaryfullofshit7 on

      Hey man I know a truck driver that plays truck simulator, why is beyond me. His explanation is that he loves his job and enjoys it when there’s no actual pressure. Maybe this pilot is cut from the same cloth.

    12. I went to an aviation school and one thing you learn very quickly is a large amount of people who become pilots don’t just like it, but they are obsessed with it.

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