Breaking News: Trump is now the only one still excited

    by Capable_Sock4011


    1. It seems so contrived.

      A guy is in the bushes, but doesn’t shoot. The Secret Service sees a gun barrel? The guy flees after they shoot at him but nobody hits him. There just happens to be a witness outside the golf course who just happens to be ready with a camera and gets a clear picture of the guy’s car and they stop him without incident a short while later and he surrenders peacefully.

      They can’t even charge him with attempted assassination because he never pointed his gun at Trump. They’re going to charge him with pointing the gun at a Secret Service agent (who didn’t hit him when they shot at him).

      Sniff, sniff, I smell something fishy.

    2. Can we make jokes about this now or are the mods gonna delete it because it’s too early to talk about it and we’re still in the thoughts & payers stage?

    3. I care in the sense that he must live until the election so he can lose and get embarrassed yet again. And then slowly fade out of the public sphere as he incoherently yells at the sky

    4. I care as much about attempted assassinations on Trump as Trump supporters care about school shootings.

      It’s just a fact of life.

      We have to get over it.

      Thoughts and prayers.

    5. Virtual-Squirrel-725 on

      So, from what the people are saying, the first attempt was real, this one was fake and Trump is desperate to get some sympathy after the debate disaster

    6. [Trump needed a note reminding him to be empathetic when Parkland victims came to the White House.](
      His only original thought on gun policy was to “[take them away first, due process second](”.
      The the [NRA literally marched into the White House for a closed door meeting](, metaphorically spanked him, told him they were boss, and he came out with his tail between his legs to walk it back.

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