Teaching in 2024

    by LoutishBending


    1. You should just tell the student, “ you are getting an education, isn’t that already a liberal agenda?”

    2. Clean_Student8612 on

      I wonder what the dad would do if there was something he considered the “liberal agenda”?

      Remove him from the school?

    3. Reason number 4372 why I am not a teacher: i would have labeled a binder “liberal agenda” and been photographed pointing at it like Vana White.

    4. Or the dad could just go to parent teacher nights. Like they hold at schools a few times a year. He would be free to look around all he wants. Guess being involved in his child’s education is too much work.

    5. Yeah, they worry about our “liberal agenda”,

      we worry about their *literal agenda* ..

    6. So he can take his kid out of school and “home school” him so the kid will grow up and be an ignorant asshole just like his daddy..

    7. A good teacher friend of ours just had a parent threaten assault on her for marking a kids homework as incomplete, causing him to be ineligible for one of the sports teams at the school. This kid has repeatedly refused to turn in assignments or participate in group work.

      Incidentally, she also gave her notice this was her last year teaching. I am pretty sure she will be leaving mid-year now after this.

    8. As we all know, it’s better to have your child take photos of everything that’s going on instead of, you know, acting like both a parent and a functioning human being and going to talk to the teachers yourself!

    9. If I was that teacher, I’d go print and laminate the most vulgar parts of the bible and plaster them shits up all over.

    10. Own-Ambassador-3537 on

      So true story my mom was a grade school teacher( retired, thank god) and had encounters similar to this. One boy picked on a Jewish kid using slurs and she had to send a note to the parents along with bully’s kids talking with principal ( they didn’t take it serious) when Jewish kids parents started talking of lawsuit and going to media all BS stopped. She also dealt with parents complaining about being forced to learn about MLK and other “ crap like that”… to a black teachers face! 😳(This was before 2000 can’t imagine how much worse it’s gotten)

    11. Sounds like it’s time to start wearing some merch that says things that would be considered “liberal propaganda”

      Like a “read more books” hat or “education is the solution to the crime rate” shirt or a “save the environment coffee mug” or a “acceptance of everyone no matter what” poster or something lol

    12. Tell that student that speaking of a liberal agenda promote a liberal agenda. See how fast the stupid father clams up.

    13. This is what Open House is for. For parents to come in and meet teachers and talk face to face. Not having your kids do the legwork for you.

    14. bigvoicesmallbrain on

      Stupid liberals and their 40 hour work weeks and safe working environments and overtime pay. Wait until he hears about the socialist military and highway system and police force. Where does it end!

    15. PaperTiger24601 on

      Or, ya know, dad could just come and visit himself during parent teacher conferences and view the classroom for himself rather than making a kid the agent of his paranoia.

    16. That dad is going to be pretty mad when he sees there are science textbooks right there where a child could see them.

    17. Time for that Dad to give homeschooling a go. I don’t know how anyone manages to be a teacher these days. It would be horrendous.

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