My guy took “hit me harder” way to seriously

    by shadman531


    1. TheNotoriousFAP on

      I have a friend with a domestic charge from when he was 20. He’s 40 now and genuinely changed after that one arrest, he was drinking and he was a dumb kid. The thing is when he tells women he dates about his past, only trying to be honest, his relationships suddenly go south BECAUSE he isn’t possessive or fly off the handle at the slightest provocation. This is by his account. They say he lacks passion but if anything is only exceedingly zen.

    2. Make no mistake, men are the way they are because women would rather breed with fucking psychopaths then the docile ones. The experimental idea that, “The Patriarchy” is men’s fault has proven false. We’re still here the way we are here because of the men that get action, and the men that don’t.

    3. This reminds me of the experiment they did where a good looking guy was as much of an asshole as he possibly could be to every girl who matched with him. None of them ran away from him.

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