Mr. Dunning-Kruger

    by MoreMotivation


    1. Musk shows that if you are white male and from a rich family, you don’t need to be smart to be successful, only free of morals and/or a conscience

    2. PsychologicalSelf991 on

      Correction: there is nothing more dangerous than the person that believes and follows him.

    3. The people who think Enron is a god-genius aren’t the sharpest knives in the drawer, but the Christians who worship a guy wearing a Baphomet symbol emblazoned on his chest amuse me the most.

    4. Both_Lychee_1708 on

      well, there’s a super rich idiot that thinks he’s a genius (surrounded by yes men that tell him every one of his stupid, and awful, ideas are genius)

    5. People like Mush-brain are fascinating to me. He probably did spend a good amount of time honing his problem solving skills but stopped abruptly when it came to any internal development. Elon probably thinks in his delusional head, that he has everything figured out. There is zero amount of humility in his soul.

    6. I would add some color to it and say what’s truly dangerous is someone who is slightly above average and has been very lucky with their risks, allowing them to assume they are smarter than they are.

      The wheels fall off the bus for true idiots pretty quickly. But the ones who are somewhat clever and lucky can keep it up for a long time and sometimes even become President.

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