The top one needs to work on his attitude.

    by hakil77377


    1. Prestigious_Annual17 on

      Ironically I imagine dude above to have the most seductive deep voice while the model below has that annoying tiktok f boy accent

    2. The difference between flirting and sexual harassment is whether she finds you attractive or not

    3. I hate dumb incel shit like this.

      Top dude needs to;

      – Eat a sandwich or two. Hes a twig. Lift something heavier than an xbox controller
      – Go outside and get some Vitamin D. He looks like a vampire.
      – Get a haircut.
      – Not wear a CoD shirt.

      Good god. Its not that hard.

    4. Ive seen guys do and say the most cringe bullshit you have ever seen to women and they eat it up if they find the dude attractive enough.

    5. First guy could be 10 times more attractive if he takes a shower and gets a different hair cut.

      Also, his picuture has really bad lighting.

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