Bigliest businessman

    by 8-bit-Felix


    1. 35 Trillion in the hole as is for USA. I think your country is already bankrupt morally ethically and literally

    2. Casino, noun, a large building to which millions of people go to give you all of their money.

      How the F do you bankrupt THAT???

    3. He didn’t bankrupt a casino. He bankrupted three casinos:

      >Multiple bankruptcy filings ensued: the Trump Taj Mahal in 1991, followed by Trump Plaza and Trump Castle in 1992 and later Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts Inc. in 2004. In 2009, Trump resigned as chairman of Trump Entertainment Resorts, just before the company filed for bankruptcy protection again. This move was in line with his past strategies, distancing himself from the financial failures while maintaining his brand and wealth.

    4. So far, his “plan” of tax cuts and other “concepts” would add another $10 Trillion do the debt in just 4 years. But I have news for all of you- He absolutely does not care, he could give 2 shits about the future of this country, as long as he stays out of prison, he will promise ANYTHING. And I can guarantee that after the country realizes just how much damage he has done to the US, Republicans will be lining up to blame Democrats for helping him grab all that power.

    5. Queasy_Pickle1900 on

      Sobering fact:


      Sorry for lengthy link. In a nutshell: net interest(on US debt) payments will total **$12.9 trillion** over the next decade.

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