This little dog cries and refuses to eat when separated from his cow friend who raised him and then this happens

    by Even_Commercial_2782


    1. For those commenting on the tears… While dogs can definitely feel emotions and do have tears, they never cry tears because of emotion, only when the eye is irritated, unless there’s new studies on this I’m unaware of…

    2. We are what we eat right? So i always had this feeling that eating cow meat makes us even more depressed cause of the conditions they live in and how they are killed and all that gets impregnated in their meat, i mean look, that cow somehow shows feelings god damn, it might be crazy for some, make sense to others but the reality is that im high as fuck

    3. Was half expecting the final shot of the video to be a couple thick steaks being thrown on the BBQ.

      Happily surprised that it wasn’t lol

    4. This has been posted year’s before.
      If I remember right, the actual scenario that happened was that the cow was taken away (sold to a new owner) and the dog started acting depressed.
      Then somehow the old cow owner was able to convince the new owner to give the cow back to him.
      And the last clip is the reconnecting of them both after some separation.
      Though it doesn’t matter here since the message is being revealed in the same sense, just wanted to leave it here.

    5. Imagine if dogs, and all animals are just as emotional as humans, and feel and think exactly like we do, but are physically limited by their biology so they can just stand up and stop us or vocally communicate with us well. That’d be terrifying if were all exactly the same mentally except we were the only ones evolved enough to fully use our abilities. Imagine being a human trapped in a dogs body and you cant talk cuz you got this high dumb tongue flappin around .

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