On the next episode of Jerry Springer

    by ThisGonnaHurt


    1. Or the boyfriend can see this tweet & confront his dead. But how are people still being cheated even in their hypothetical situations?

    2. and then get pregnant by both now you mom, granny and step mom all in one.
      That will teach em to mess with you!

    3. No, stop rewarding other niggas with pussy because some other nigga hurt your feelings or made you mad.

      This is funny asf tho, maybe get OG to send you a nut sack pic and send it to your ex and ask him if he remembers being there.

      *Warning: Results may vary. Side effects include becoming a victim of murder or revenge porn charges*

    4. Would it really be get back? Or did the Son tell the pops “you could prolly fck her”? Now they having a laugh at her expense. Now if she and pops actually start dating, that would be different.

    5. It amazes me how she can’t see that the dad is no different than his son… their main goal is fucking

    6. Some of y’all hate your exes more than you are capable of loving anything else and let that hate cloud judgement. If someone cheats on you. Leave. Letting ur anger sit there like that to find revenge is utterly foolish because what happens if…he doesn’t give the slightest bit of a damn then what? You wasted your time. Or worse he violently attacks his father. But as another commentator put it stop using ur genitals as weapons.

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