Elon’s reaction after receiving scrutiny for his previous post inciting violence against the President/Vice President

    by PsychicMF


    1. The South African Nazi is a vile bully who claims, “I was just joking” whenever he is called out for his heinous words or deeds.

    2. Substantial_Ad_7027 on

      I don’t get it. All my employees thought it was a killer joke. It totally slayed the room. My delivery of it was to die for.

    3. CommunityGlittering2 on

      maybe the jokester should start doing stand-up then we will know when he is trying to be funny

    4. kingofthezootopia on

      I’m pretty sure most of us learned that lesson as a 9 year old, not after buying one of the largest social network platforms.

    5. It wasn’t a joke. This dumbfounded dipshit needs to go bye bye at Twitter (Not X) and all of his government contracts with Space X need to be suspended until either the real associates of Space X step up or this dumbfounded dipshit is completely removed for this company. He is a plague, just like Frump on society as a whole. The only reason he is rich is due to his father, just like Trumple Thinskin. Fu@k Elon Musk. You made your bed and now you have Frump fleas.

    6. EmporerPenguino on

      Turns out typing “just kidding” isn’t a legitimate defense to being a horrible entitled POS.

    7. Think about it.

      Why would people laugh at his joke if it wasn’t funny?!?

      Hmmmmmm….. It must be… The lack of context and plain text! Yes of course.

    8. It doesn’t matter if that bloated fart was joking, it was a bad joke that some lunatic would take seriously. It’s extremely irresponsible.

    9. FeePsychological6778 on

      Correct me if I am wrong, but, isn’t inciting violence against an elected official a federal offense…and one that, depending on the severity, can come with a sentence up to and including the death penalty?

    10. MercutioLivesh87 on

      The douchebag that’s eternally online forgot to add /s. We all read what he wrote. There’s no room for interpretation.

    11. TheEternalScapegoat on

      How is he supposed to be smart? I just don’t get it. He might be smart in one subject but he’s a complete idiot in general

    12. Is this an apology?

      Is this a redaction?

      Is posting all day and night on a social media you bought just show the world how utterly unhinged you are on a daily basis a positive use of incomprehendable wealth and influence?

    13. Available-Elevator69 on

      Oh I don’t know. Making any jokes to get somebody killed isn’t funny at all. I think some idiot made a comment/joke about storming the capital and people got hurt.

    14. Persona_Non_Grata_ on

      Although humor is subjective, there was nothing funny about the tweet. He isn’t a funny person in the least bit unless people are laughing at him (or he’s pictured topless on a beach, then that’s hilarious).

      Then, just typing out, “It was a prank bro” would maybe carry some weight if you were 14. Not a 54 year old GROWN ASS MAN CHILD.

    15. To be clear:

      He wasn’t telling a joke, he was making an accusation. He was accusing Harris and Biden of being behind the assassination attempts.

      This was a dangerous lie intended to incite violence.

    16. He needs to be forced to divest himself from any businesses with government contracts or go to prison.

    17. Elon: Immigrants are ruining the country!

      Me: Yes, immigrants like you ARE ruining the country. Please go back to South Africa. The others can stay.

    18. independenthinkerdc on

      We need to stop letting the right get away with saying they were “just joking” about inciting violence.

    19. MulberryBeautiful542 on

      The owner of one of the largest online social media companies doesn’t understand context doesn’t translate online?

    20. Ill-Mountain7527 on

      So the head of a social media company is now “just learning” that “jokes” posted by text “without context” are often misconstrued? That’s like social media 101. Sounds like he’s not even qualified to work at Twitter never mind run it. He clearly meant what he said and his excuse is perhaps even more pathetic than the initial post.
      I’m Canadian was talking to a fellow Canadian yesterday at the dog park who has swallowed the pill and said “we need someone like Elon in Canada to come clean things up like he will under Trump”. I just walked away after my dog. Fuck me. I wish crazy stopped at the border.

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