The rich will just get richer and everyone else will have to pay for it

    by imjustheretodomyjob

    1 Comment

    1. Unfortunately, the current population (legislators included) doesn’t understand AI or its detriments enough to legislate it properly. To see a spectacular failure to understand tech, look at Facebook/Meta’s senatorial hearing where they appeared to softball questions to him.

      In the end, the sad thing was that they didn’t know what to ask; they weren’t educated enough on the topic to understand and thus failed to protect their communities. This has extended into AI and will extend to other topics in the future.

      The best way to prevent things like this from happening is to get educated, and individually (as pro se litigants) or collectively (class action) lead a charge against AI companies. Vote for individuals who may not be the most charismatic but understand the issues of the day.

      Another thing is to normalize not upgrading phones and devices every year. A lot of people live and die by their ability to upgrade certain pieces of tech frequently; it’s become a massive ‘wealth’ signal. But the upgrades are seldom groundbreaking, and with a little manual know-how (think camera controls, learning light and photography), you’ll be able to get results equal to or greater than the latest iPhone.

      If it reads like I’m on a soapbox, that’s not my intention. The TL;DR is:

      1. Get educated on basic tech. Google’s Coursera courses are helpful, and YouTube has quite a few people.
      2. Experiment with other operating systems and use old tech to make solutions in your house.

      This is a “pennies become pounds” situation. The more people that stop feeding the corporate AI mass adoption model, the easier it becomes to collectively tell them to “fuck off” or to meet certain standards for the environment and human quality of life baseline.

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