My toddler has four Little People toys: Sally Ride, Rosa Parks, and Maya Angelou…. Amelia Earhart has disappeared.

    by WordNerd1983


    1. -SesameStreetFighter on

      This seems like the definition of virtue signaling. They are a toddler they don’t care they are playing with feminist icons.

    2. ScottyFarkas146 on

      I scrolled past this image without really looking at it. I just caught the two rightmost ones out of the corner of my eye; one wearing a dark jacket with a hat of some kind and a bag, and one with a white robe and a head scarf or turban, and thought “Oh, cool, Little People has made a set with Indy and Sallah! Is that third one Marian?”

      No ….. No it is not ….

    3. I was just watching a show where they think an Australian reconnaissance team found Amelia’s plane during WW2 but they didn’t fully realize what they found.

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