Efficient af.

    by Nexus82


    1. Shortcurlswomen on

      I played it many times & I can’t get over laughing when he says ” yeah, you’re right “

    2. Yeah, driving the wrong way is far worse, in my opinion.

      I do wonder how far he is from a crosswalk. In my city, if you’re outside about 60 feet from a crosswalk, then you’re good to go.

    3. We don’t use the look both ways anymore, especially coming from behind a parked vehicle? Never assume anything

    4. W8kingNightmare on

      Biker is very much at fault. I’m citing Canadian law but I’d assume it’s the same in the States,

      “Jaywalking, in essence, is legal in Canada unless a pedestrian walking outside of designated pedestrian areas interferes with traffic. This means that as a pedestrian crossing without a crosswalk, you must yield to car traffic on the road”

    5. I might be wrong but it sounds like the pedestrian smacked his head on the asphalt pretty hard. I support bikers but you gotta follow the rules. while the pedestrian should be using a crosswalk, the person in the “vehicle” should always be aware of pedestrians and following road law

    6. TimePlankton3171 on

      I bike a lot. ~150km in a typical week. All of it in the city. Some of that is roads, some highway, and some on streets. Cyclist is wrong here. You adapt to the surroundings, and expect pedestrians EVERYWHERE. Cyclist was going too fast for the conditions.

    7. embarrassed_error365 on

      Both were in the wrong. Thankfully nobody got seriously hurt. I think the jaywalker will probably look both ways after this. Not sure the bicyclist will start to use the correct side of the road. I remember when I was younger, I was TAUGHT to be on the wrong side of the road because “you can see the cars better”, and I see so many cyclists who appear to follow this philosophy.. but the reason you need to be on the correct side is because the cars, like this person, are less likely to think to check for *you* at intersections or pulling out of lots!

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