Its just a normal day in India

    by WoodWorking112


    1. goldandsilver123 on

      Saw this same exact thing in some parts of Thailand…..seems scary but few accidents which is surprising!

    2. I learned this in Vietnam, they are so used to it if you walk in a constant speed across traffic it’s fine.

    3. While in India I was told you need three things to be able to drive in India: good horn, good brakes, and good luck.

    4. Memories of being in the back seat of a Korean taxi (Pony compact) getting around in Seoul at night to party…

    5. I used to go to Bangalore for work and every time i got a taxi to the office it felt that we were going to crash at least 10 times. Despite some extremely close calls we never crashed and that was over at least a hundred journeys. The driving is extraordinary there.

    6. Way back in the pre-youtube days when I was a fresh faced kid just out of college. An Indian colleague described to me in incredible detail how chaotic some intersections in India were. Funny how it took me almost 25 years to actually see a video depicting exactly what he described.

    7. If you tried this in NJ, there would be a pile of cars and trucks so high that you could see from space.

    8. Went to Delhi and Bangalore for work once. Road in the front seat of the bus they drove us around in sitting beside the driver. Was damn entertaining. Second bus in our group got hit and the mirror was taken off the side. Coworker asked if the driver didn’t need to stop and get insurance info. Driver had no clue what he was talking about. Got out, grabbed mirror. Yelled at guy who hit him. Climbed back in and they were on their way.

    9. I was in India for a week for work. I VERY quickly learned to keep my eyes on my phone while the taxi was taking me to/from the office. Absolutely terrifying to my western ass.

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