Farrell’s Ice Cream. Home of the Pig Trough and The Zoo. (1980’s)

    by BufordTeeJustice


    1. Ours unfortunately closed in 2019 . In the 80s I was at the age when I would have loved it- but I only remember it in the 2000s-2010s and didn’t realize it was any older.

    2. Equivalent_Delays_97 on

      I remember Farrell’s. It was always the go-to for birthday celebrations when I was a kid. I also remember the time we were planning to go to the Farrell’s on Sacramento’s Freeport Boulevard right after the airshow at the adjacent airfield. But, Dad insisted we stay behind and watch the F-86 depart the field for its home base. That was the F-86 that ended up *in* the Farrell’s that afternoon.

      It was a ghastly scene by all accounts, although I was spared the gore. From my vantage point near the runway, I just saw the explosion and all the billowing inky-black smoke that followed. It was a good thing for our family that Dad had us wait awhile before getting our ice cream that afternoon.

    3. I had a birthday party as a kid there once. Must’ve been about 8 years old. My folks got the Zoo sundae, which was a couple of gallons of ice cream in a BIG silver bowl with all kinds of animal decorations on top. They had a special stretcher for the bowl and two employees would run around the place carrying the stretcher while they rang a big bell, sirens blared, and made all kinds of other noise. As they were running around, one of them caught the leg of my chair and I went falling backwards while the Zoo fell to the ground. Good times.

      To this day, I always choose a booth in a restaurant if I can.

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