You want to know how I know this is a big nothing burger…..they didn’t interrupt any NFL broadcasts to report it.

    by Chumlee1917


    1. Man Trumps SS detachment sucks. We also only have their word that a gun was even being pointed (afaik).

    2. Wasn’t it just like “shots fired in the area”…. Like a majority of the country on any normal day? 

    3. MuzzledScreaming on

      Was there even? All I ever saw was gunshots could be heard near his property. I have lived in Florida, you can hear gunshots near pretty much *any* property basically whenever. Hearing a gun is not the same thing as having one fired at you. It could have been someone on a private outdoor range, or even if it was a crime it could have been totally unrelated to Trump.

    4. It’s not surprising that the MAGA cult goes crazy and tries to kill Trump when he violates some made-up rule of the religion he planted in their heads.

      But it’s kinda surprising that they’re so bad at it.

    5. I don’t want him to get shot. I very much want him to lose in November.

      The way I see it, is if you use your gigantic megaphone to say crazy shit all day, every day then eventually, that crazy shit is going to end up at your doorstep.

      Toss in the fact that seemingly any citizen can get their hands on weapons of war easier than they can get a driver’s license and you have both a crazy and dangerous problem on your hands.

    6. He needs to get over it. Just like how the right tells everyone to get over school shooting and more kids die.

    7. LaughingAtNonsense on

      The NFL loves Taylor Swift. She is good for business. They don’t give a shit about Diaper Don.

    8. SgtSchultz-I-Know on

      Well, not a complete nothing burger — 2 minute special report during halftime 🙂

    9. aotus_trivirgatus on

      No Democrat wants Trump shot. They want him in jail.

      The Supreme Court made it impossible to sentence him and to finish many of his impending trials without him losing the Presidential election a SECOND time, so we have to defeat him at the polls first.

    10. breaker-of-shovels on

      Fake af. He desperate for a polling bump and he never got a bigger one than his last fake assassination attempt.

    11. A guy hiding in a bush-

      Did he have a rifle on him?

      He had a rifle jn his car-

      Did he have it on the golf course?

      How did he get on trumps golf course?

    12. Truth. Nobody interrupted a damn thing to announce this. Says A LOT in this day and age of instant news bits.

      Also, I am just waiting for the inevitable evidence to see the gunman was a republican.

    13. I got mad because the report scrolling across the bottom was blocking the ticker that shows the scores from the other games.

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