This dude is way too old to be acting like this

    by HOOgonCHECKmeBOO


    1. This is the same mind they want to have the nuclear codes.

      What a weak, sad, weird, little punk-ass bitch he is.

    2. enriquedelcastillo on

      Taylor swift: “thanks for that. I think I’ll put it Instagram for my 284 million followers to see”

    3. 2 weeks ago he loved her, now he hates her. He also just got sucked off by a plastic, who is now feuding with his friendzoned backup chick. All while his main girl is nowhere to be found. And he’s making up stories about the kids he doesn’t like so all his friends bully those people.

      Im too old for this high school bullshit.

    4. ResponsibleBank1387 on

      Man o man. He just has to poke the bear. When she asks her fans, they are going to put their parents on the spot, “who do you love? “ 
      Some parents have already decided to keep their kids instead of backing him again. 

    5. And crickets from the media.

      How many months did we have to hear about Biden’s mental fitness and health?

    6. Her fans old enough to vote need to remember, he hates her, Kamala will probably ask her to perform at the inauguration- make your choice 😉

    7. It’s like when someone drinks and texts, they say things they wouldn’t normally say. But he doesn’t drink.

    8. Flimsy-Discount2885 on

      I’ve heard of suicide by cop before, but this is the first attempt at suicide by teenage girl I’ve known.

    9. Anyone over 12 is too old for this type of behavior. A man running for president should be so far beyond this bullshit it never occurs to is as an option.

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