It is insane this isn’t obvious to everyone. Insane

    by ExactlySorta


    1. I’m sorry to say that when Kamala wins the election, things are going to get worse before they get better.

    2. That alone should have been enough to get 75% of the votes. Even Republicans have to be sick of this non-stop whining and drama and hatred towards America. Even if you’re still somehow on the fence, just vote to make him go away because we need OUR country back.

    3. He’ll declare his 2028 candidacy on Nov 6th so he can continue to scream “election interference” when his felonies come back to haunt him

    4. Campbell_Soup311 on

      Trump going away won’t fix this. We need to reckon with the fact that a decent portion of this country have readily accepted what amounts to essentially Nazi propaganda.

    5. Nope there is a massive void to fill. Maga will want a new Trump in 4 years. And many a Republican will do what it takes.

    6. I really do believe that the vast majority of Americans are so done with this unfortunate phase in our history. Hopefully, we show that at the ballot box this November and get on a fast track back to normalcy. Hey, a guy can dream right?

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