Someone built a 10’x70’ block wall near my house.

    by Tinkeybird


    1. murderedbyaname on

      Spending thousands building a monument to him while bitching that their taxes are too high. Yup, that tracks. Good lord.

    2. Yeah I’m sure that’ll really show the libs… the one of 4 sides of your property being walled off, both not serving the purpose of a wall, as well as being possibly the biggest eyesore I’ve ever seen. Really got em, fellas. Flexing your intellectual ability as usual 🦅

    3. Why are his supporters so fucking weird and culty. Like I get it, you can support a candidate but you don’t need to make it your whole life and personality…

    4. Theomniponteone on

      It amazes me how people will make politics their entire persona. I have voted in every election since I became eligible in the late 80s. I have never once even put a bumper sticker on my car. On the other hand you have people doing this kind of stuff and paying for Billboards that stay up for years after a election. Makes me think they are missing out on the better things that life offers. To each their own, just strikes me weird.

    5. They spent all that effort building a giant wall and couldn’t think of something better to say than that?

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