[OC] iPhone 15 Pro Max is the worst iPhone for value according to 30k+ valid reviews I analyzed (and iPhone SE 2022 is #1

    by eneskaraboga


    1. Sorry: The worst is iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max is second worst.

      The full table contains other brands, categories (performance, camera, battery life, operating system, and display) and other filters. It is in my site: [https://sentimentarena.com/best-smart-phones/](https://sentimentarena.com/best-smart-phones/)

      This is one of my other posts explaining how this works.

      Long version:

      Hey guys, I always wanted to have a real comparison between products. The information we usually get is from expert opinions or star ratings from users. Analyzing over a million reviews myself, it was not hard to notice that about 40% of the reviews are absolute garbage, because people are not talking about the product, but about their experience with the seller, the condition in which the product appears (like broken screen), service provider problems, or other irrelevant things. Most of the 1 star reviews, especially for phones, were related to used condition or price expectations.

      I wanted something different. After collecting all the reviews, mostly from Google Reviews that they collect from e-commerce sites, I cleaned everything under 20 words, reviews that talk about irrelevant things like I mentioned above and mention at least one of the categories value for money, camera, battery life, screen, design, performance and operating system. So if someone says they loved or hated the service at Walmart, that is an invalid review.

      After I had clean reviews for all phones sold online, I analyzed phones with at least 500 valid reviews. In those reviews, I counted the positive and negative mentions of the categories and calculated a sentiment score. For example, if there are 500 positive mentions of the camera and 500 negative mentions, it would have a score of 50%. After each category is calculated, I go with the overall sentiment score and sort my table with that.

      The table (sorry I can’t post it here due to Reddit’s limitations) allows you to sort by any of the categories, so you can sort by phones with the best camera or value for money.

      I believe it is an apples to apples comparison since we are only considering people who actually used the product and mention specific features.

      This is the first time I am publishing this work. I spent about 200 hours coding to collect, clean, analyze and visualize the information. I look forward to your feedback and questions!

    2. modernistamphibian on

      Where is this data from and how was it analyzed, and how is value calculated, and is inflation taken into account?

    3. I_am_Castor_Troy on

      Here is what I know having owned a lot of iPhones. The 14 pro max battery health plummets in one years time.

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