Terry Farrell “Jadzia Dax” early makeup reference shot 1990s.

    by jimlahey2100


    1. PushingAWetNoodle on

      She’s my Dax. She was one of my very first heavy crushes and the reason I prefer dark haired ladies.

    2. ElectricPeterTork on

      Early redesigned makeup.

      The earliest makeup tests featured Dax with the original bumpy Trill forehead and no spots, as we saw on Odan in the TNG episode The Host. But they wisely realized that the original design wasn’t working, so they stole Famke Janssen’s spots from another TNG episode and the Trill as we know them were born.

    3. She did well in that role. Made it feel natural and like she lived the description of her character. Playing a gutworm that has lived for centuries seemed to be easy for her.

    4. Yeah, yeah, sure that’s cool and all but she had no justification what so ever to take a swing at poor Dave Navarro.

    5. Torontonomatopoeia on

      I’m rewatching DS:9 right now, she’s great. Just looked her up and found out she was married to Leonard Nimoys son!

    6. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed her sitting in, on the Delta Flyers podcast recently.

      Her and Armin really bring a different layer to the conversation.

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