Trump just posted this

    by MrDonMega


    1. When you look at this, ask yourself, is this the behavior of a U.S. president? Is this normal behavior for anyone, much less a presidential candidate?

    2. I am sure his cult of minions have begun shifting from “Stand back and Stand by” to more of a ‘load your muskets’ readiness. I truly fear what November brings for the USA but I have faith. Vote Blue all down the ballot!!!

    3. Things you say when you need to get your affair with a 31 year old right wing racist conspiracy whack job out the news cycle.

    4. This idiot doesn’t realize putting shit like this out on social media is a true threat to Taylor Swift life. His followers are so fucking whacked they might seriously try to hurt her. This is getting beyond criminal. Lock this fucking wacko up.

    5. What a dangerous embarrassment to society this guy is maybe we should just stop platforming him even if/especially because he’s trying to run for President.

    6. Somebody handed him the voter registration numbers in North Carolina.

      Is this the first time he’s just came out and directly say he hates someone? He usually comes in at angle he can deny later if he needs to.

    7. He knows there are nutjob followers that interpret this to place harm in her way. It is sickening. Enough tolerating his tanTrumps. Vote him out!!

    8. He’s just trying to get her to write a song about him, because that’s all he cares about, his name being the topic of conversation.

    9. That’s not what his phony AI endorsements say. Oh i forgot in real life she didn’t endorse you. Wah wah unfair to Trump wah wah.

    10. Indubitably_Ob_2_se on

      He might have just lost himself the election… have you seen those concerts?!? His rallies has nothing on Swizzle ‘certs.

    11. MyHamburgerLovesMe on

      The behavior of a President of the United States, or the behavior of a 13 year old girl throwing a fit.

      You Decide!

      No, really. You decide. On Tuesday, November 5, 2024⁩

    12. RoyalMaidsForLife on

      Self-made, intelligent, popular, an actual billionaire, has a SO that loves them, of COURSE he hates her because he’s none of those things.

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