Bro thinks he passed

    by MobyBon


    1. Duval is rich in common sense! He is also literally rich. Unc is living on an island and takes a plane (that he owns) to and from his shows. He is not concerned with our thoughts on his IQ 😂😂 You’d have a hard time convincing me that this was anything more than Duval just thinking out loud while consuming something loud… those thoughts usually come out this way 🤣

    2. Why is that it’s the dumbest most brain rotted members of our society that will never shut the fuck up about IQ points?

    3. Bro thinks life works within the deterministic constraints of the numbers 0 through 99 🤭🤭🤭

    4. I just got downvoted on the last post calling out this blatant ad, and now they’re doing it again hoping they don’t get any negative feedback 😂

      🤡 🫏

    5. I’m not sure what the issue is, if we say “you need to score at least 100” in the test to be able to do [x] and you score below that then you’ve failed to meet the score required to do [x], so you’ve failed…

      I know you can’t “fail” the IQ test itself; if you’re taking it purely to find out what your IQ is, you’re given a score and that’s your score. But that isn’t what’s being proposed.

      IQ tests aren’t a good method of testing intelligence anyway, far too many variables involved to have any confidence in the result.

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