A farmer, Eric Howard, trying to save a field from fire in Weld County, Colorado. Eric is actually the neighbor of the farmer who owns the field. Once alarmed, he ran home and grabbed his equipment to help out.

    by Smiles4YouRawrX3


    1. Protip: you need exposed bare dirt for a firebreak, and ideally a mound. Otherwise, the fire can still slow burn through and under. This guy was just doing the best he could with what he had, but what you really need is a bulldozer.

    2. Where does the harvasted stuff go to? It still is there waiting to get burned. They don’t show the effect of the efforts in the video. I think it’s all in vain.

    3. Sufficient-Night-479 on

      he saw that his fellow farmer’s livelihood was at stake and understood from his OWN struggles how badly it could hurt his neighbor so he jumped in to intervene. good man.

    4. Also incredibly lucky that the wind was in their favor, and not pushing all of that smoke towards where they were cutting…

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