It was his guy that did it! He cut costs and removed a bunch of our sorting machines.

    by Doc_tor_Bob


    1. Informal_Process2238 on

      Trump did this to try and steal the election by eliminating all the mail in voting after he told his loser supporters not to mail in vote and that we should only count votes on election day even though it also means no military votes get counted

    2. CalliopePenelope on

      His outcry of HELP! is unrelated to the postal drama. It’s just how he punctuates every statement.

    3. psychochicken85 on

      This mfer was the one who put Dejoy in place for exactly the reason he’s pretending to cry about.

    4. PuzzleheadedRoyal559 on

      Guess you shouldn’t have appointed that Postmaster General last time you were president.

    5. Brokentoaster40 on

      Maybe he shouldn’t have made it worse by gutting it.  Weird concept but maybe, don’t fuck up the thing you complain about fucking up….

      I read this rambling like:

      “My fridge won’t get cold if I keep the door open”


      “My car sucks because I ran it into someone else and now it’s broken” 

    6. Hahaha because of the guy he put in last time to shaft the postal votes…


    7. HighSideSurvivor on

      At levels never seen before.

      Everything that happens in his world happens at levels never seen before.

    8. SuperGenius9800 on

      My mail in ballot is counted within a week every time for the last 25 years. Grandpa is off his meds.

    9. Donny the Dork was trying to make it hard for mail in ballots to get through the system towards the 2020 election that he lost, so tried putting a wrench into it…don’t you remember old man?

    10. Underp0pulation on

      All part of the maga plan. I can’t help feeling that they are playing chess while the dems are playing checkers. Their corrupt people that are supposed to certify the count at the county and state level and then scrotus, it’s enough to make me worry about our democracy.

    11. This was the whole point. He wanted to reduce confidence in the mail so he could use that to argue to not count mail in ballots. The fact that his guy is still there gives him a second chance to try the same plan

    12. Again, they have been planning this for a long time. Putting people in place so they can call into doubt and thing they wish to dispute.

    13. Donald Trump personally picked Dejoy to lead the Postal Service to destroy it. And Dejoy has done a fine job of wrecking it for the Orange Antichrist.

    14. fuckyourguidlines on

      Unfortunately the president has no say in who the post master general is unfortunately.

      “The PMG is selected and appointed by the Board of Governors of the Postal Service, which is appointed by the president. The postmaster general then also sits on the board. The PMG does not serve at the president’s pleasure and can only be dismissed by the Board of Governors.”

      He can appoint people to the board but I mean look at what he’s doing with the supreme court. Only one judge in his four years. He’s too much of a boy scout.

      [Wikipedia link](

    15. Philly_ExecChef on

      I’m exhausted by the fact that millions of people see this stupid asshole repeat dumb rhetoric like “levels never seen before” and they just lap it up because a third of America is vestigial and stupid as fuck

    16. Typical right wing tactic

      Utterly destroy an institution, then use that as evidence that it’s not working and deserves to be destroyed.

      See also UK Tories gutting the NHS

    17. “We can’t do this that way because I made it too hard” is a typical move from the untalented rich guy playbook.

    18. He’s saying the phrase ‘at a level we’ve never seen before’ at a level we’ve never seen before.

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