The cruel fate of Nat Turner

    by Available_Reason7795


    1. Time and time again. We can prove anything these racist shit heads are outraged or offended against they have done and are doing 10 times over and 10 times worse.

      Best we can do is keep showing them the receipts and telling them to shut the fuck up. And checking any of them that want to get froggy about it.

    2. Why make things up when the real story is worse? Nat Turner wasn’t eaten, but his skin was used to make fucking souvenir purses

    3. Imma need some journalism on whether he was eaten. Not cuz I don’t believe white people would do that shit. They kept our body parts and sexual organs for keepsakes after lynching after all. This would be the first time in my life I’d heard anything bout em eatin us.

    4. There is no credible evidence that Nat Turner was eaten after his death. He *was* mutilated, with his skin being used to make souvenir purses. Don’t make shit up when the real thing is bad enough.

    5. PhallickThimble on

      … pick nits
      Dahmer hacked up and froze his victims first

      good kitchen sanitation

      obvs more civilized

    6. masterfulnoname on

      I can’t find anything saying people ate Nat Turner after they killed him. What happened seems equally bad, if not worse, as people turned his skin into purses, and one person turned his skeleton into a medical specimen.

    7. GodKingCesarwrap on

      Never heard Nat turner was eaten but I mean the scalping shit came from white settlers that offered bounties for native scalps and would often remark that when the skin was soaked in blood that it was prettier, thus the term redskin

    8. I get the point of the post, even if I don’t believe it’s 100% accurate but I also feel like it’s lazy thinking when someone says something is a projection of themselves. Like when a bigot attacks someone for being gay and someone says, that’s a project of the fact they are secretly gay, I’m like, mmmmm more than likely they’re just a hateful homophobe, I don’t need a passive aggressive way to claim the person being awful does that awful thing. I think the people spread that Haitians eating pets things are just hateful bigots that want any excuse they can find to argue their hate is justified.

      I guess I don’t get into this, white people were eating people schtick since I’m pretty sure you can find a long history of almost any race of people on this planet that has a section of them doing the same.

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