For someone that makes $500,000 dollars a year, something that is $100 to someone that makes $50,000 a year is more like $10 to someone that makes $500,000 a year. A billionaire not wanting to pay taxes complains about $100, relatively.

    by Ok_Gur_1345


    1. Taxes are part of being an American. For those that can pay and avoid such, you’re really not Americans. You’re just grifters living off the toil of us that pay taxes.

    2. Here’s a fun trick. Take a million millimeters and convert it to miles. Then do the same with a billion millimeters. The human mind has a hard time wrapping around how many a billion actually is.

    3. eh, if we woke up to all the toxins in the food we are sold, we would be out building guillotines instead (hear me out) . the economy before the french revolution matches current stats, BUT we are still being fed, and in very unhealthy ways… not to say its time to go back to the old ways as far as “fixing” a problem. but we do have a problem and it needs to be addressed. Musk has taken over twitter and turned it into a propaganda machine and ought to be held accountable. facebook allowed adds selling fentinal to users, and has many accounts that are under 18 of age, despite its origin of having to be attending college to get into the site, as well as let some shady foster parent groups that were trading kids like slaves, some of the kids were trafficked sex workers, facebook let it happen. shortly there after went Meta to dodge legal action. bezo’s workers often rely on the govornment and are worked so hard that they urinate into bottles (a guy collected the piss and sold it on Amazon as well as got to the top of the charts, but only the ones in on the joke actualy recved product. a hell of a ruse to point out a real issue, same guy also found a way to get them to pay their taxes a bit and patched up a bunch of pot holes)

    4. doctorDiscomfort on

      even that is not an accurate comparison. a person making $100K might have needs they are saving for. they might have a large family and that $100 counts. for a billionaire, there’s no normal human relatable need they can’t meet because they have “only” $999M instead or $1000M

      edit: responding to the tweet, not the incoherent comment

    5. Usernamendpasssword on

      That’s not the issue at hand for me.

      The government is comprised of people with business and law degrees who have failed in the private sector.

      Giving them more money does not solve any problems. The longer you believe, they (both political parties) will the dumber you truly are.

    6. Accomplished_Emu_658 on

      What bothers me is the poor and middleclass people who are so concerned about the “poor” billionaires that might have to pay taxes.

      Meanwhile billionaires don’t give a shit about them.

      Also billionaires who don’t pay tax try to tell everyone else how to spend tax dollars and to make sure the “poors” are paying even more tax.

    7. it is NOT equivalent. they don’t have to worry about food, housing etc. all the bills they have to pay are nothing in comparison if you scale it to their wealth. same goes for fines, healthcare , they don’t mean anything to them. it s ridiculous.

    8. This is not quite accurate. Not to humble brag but we make 500k or more a year and it is not like someone making 50k paying 10. To someone making 50k, that 10 bucks is probably budgeted for something and spending it means reworking a budget. At 500k you have a lot of just what the fuck to do with it money that we spend in tips, charities, scholarships, club memberships etc that $100 is not budgeted it is just in a catch all fuck around category. So for a billionaire 1 million is not even in a fuck around category it is like where do I put this thing i dont need category

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