Alot of people are saying it…

    by modthefame


    1. They do say many things. The worst things. It’s what everyone is talking about. The smell. It’s like the worst thing they say. You can’t even be in the same room. It’s terrible.

    2. This is genuinely embarrassing. Please tell me this is the product of some twisted project to train an LLM on nothing but Dad Jokes and Daily Show transcripts, and not something an actual human wasted time creating

    3. Trump looks bad enough as it is, there is zero reason to photoshop him to look worse.

      Also, I hear anti-trumpers say who’ve been close that he doesn’t smell like anything.

      It’s WAY more likely that Trump actually has OCD and is a clear freak.

      These attacks are contra productive in getting new voters….. There is SO much actual shit you can throw back at Trump. Why the lies and photoshop?

    4. The change in the last week, that we are not afraid of “it” anymore, the amount of memes, posts, podcasts show that the tide has turned and this flotsam will finally be washed out to sea.

    5. That punchline doesn’t work. “everyone around him smells fowl’… Maybe. But still a stretch.

    6. replaceble_human2004 on

      Looking at this makes me want to throw up
      Not because of the person but because he looks like he covered his face with diarrhea 🤢

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