How Long to Earn $222 Billion?

    by Redmannn-red-3248


    1. Man, even in this hypothetical dream scenario, Americans are still only getting two weeks’ vacation time.

    2. A dollar every single second of every single day may make you a millionaire in less than 2 weeks, but nearly 32 years to become a billionaire.

      Almost 320 years for 10 billion dollars.

      Almost 3,200 years for 100 billion dollars. Almost 6,400 years for 200 billion.

      Absolutely bonkers that someone can have that much.

    3. CloisteredOyster on

      If you lived to be 79 (avg American lifespan) and averaged three meals a day, and got paid for each meal that you ate in your entire life, you’d have to be paid around $2,543,205 per meal for your entire life to have 220 billion dollars when you died.

      Median house price in the United States is around $420,000. 220 billion dollars would buy around 528,000 houses at that price. Or about 10,560 houses in each of the 50 states.

    4. So?

      Rich people gonna rich.

      Why’s it always ‘billionaires’? Never footballers and other celebrities 🤔

    5. Something different to look at that number :

      if Jesus was immortal, and won 250000$ per day since the day he was born, he would still not be the richest person in the world today

    6. What is this person doing with this money every year ? Just putting it under this mattress? If invested in a low MER S&P500 index fund, you could make that $222 Billion in far less than 1 million years. Maybe 800,000 years

    7. And that’s why there should not be any billionaires!

      They are parasites of our society, sucking lifeblood out of all of us, in fact they are stealing money from other people, people they exploit. There is no justification a single human being should have so much wealth to their free disposal, there is not a single case thinkable where one being’s contribution to society is worth the labour of millions of other people.

    8. Being worth 222 billion is not the same as having it. If I have a house worth $450,000 and a $50,000 vehicle (none of it paid for), that makes me a half a millionaire?

    9. With respect to the tweet, Musk did not become wealthy earning an hourly wage. He did it buy investing in a number of companies, then growing them into real companies.

      The moral of this story is: equity > income.

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