For those that “don’t know”!

    by imish_24


    1. It always felt incredibly weird to me that the far right treats things like a zero-sum game. Nothing gets “lost” by allowing people to be what they want, but for some reason this is hard to understand.

    2. The target is not Trump.. it’s… Well okay the target is Trump but that’s another thing entirely

    3. One of the last political “debates” I was part of the issues of LGBTQ+ and patriarchy came up…

      The only answer that the other side (maga) would give me was something along the lines of “society cannot survive if men date men and men want to become women. Society needs to stay traditional for survival” oh it was much nastier than that…..

      So many of these “straight white conservative christian men” truly believe they’re being threatened by anything viewed as “non-traditional” so…. how do you fight against that?

    4. They think of rights and equality as pie, if minorities get more rights until they’re equal than they’ll get less, but that isn’t how rights work.

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