My mom’s pot was made in the USSR

    by naalotai


    1. What did your mom make that you liked best? Miss my grandmother who made killer stuffed cabbages.

    2. headline-pottery on

      Looks sturdy. Certainly outlived the USSR will probably outlive Mom and you I hope you have kids to pass it down to. “In Russia – pot cooks you!”

    3. Sorry but for some reason, I read “USSR” as “UBER”! I was like, this has to be a longest Uber ride in the history of mankind!

    4. destruction_potato on

      My plates that used to be my grandparents’ were made in Czechoslovakia. They were my grandparents’ wedding gift from family, they were barely getting used so when I moved out on my own I appropriated them. Same thing with my cutlery, only they were my great grandparents’ wedding gift cutlery that had been sitting in a cupboard, not being used, literally all my life. Now it all mine.

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