The good ol’ days

    by 070sam


    1. This is the only “good ole days” idea I’ll entertain. Everything else is crap. And even so, fewer kids are dying and there’s something to that, but something else was lost.

    2. You know this is the first “back in my day” meme I actually like. It doesn’t actively criticize the younger generations, it just reminisces about a simpler time.

    3. I’m sorry, but the child on the far right makes this the creepiest photo I’ve seen. Straight out of a horror.

    4. TranquilConfusion on

      Don’t forget all the “holes to china” we dug.

      And the “Tarzan swings” we made by cutting off a wild grape vine at the base, and testing to see if the part left in the tree would hold weight. About 50/50 in my experience.

      Btw, real vines in real trees, can’t be used to travel from tree to tree. You can only swing directly towards the trunk of the attached tree. Usually this involves some bruising and swearing.

      The Tarzan movies lied to me.

    5. These are things that helped make us into men. Most kids today wouldn’t survive what we used to do lol.

    6. I remember once after having a huge bike race with 20 other Racers who joined what was suppose to be 8 of us, we picked a random street which unfortunately had people playing soccer in the middle and cricket at the end of the street. It was absolute CHAOS. Cars coming down the street while bikes were swerving at high speeds tryimg not to hit anything. Good days indeed. Now that u think of it alot of us almost died that day with all the hazards we had to avoid and the ones that didn’t came out with bruises. Wouldn’t change it for the world though.

    7. Thumper_n_Bunny on

      All the new electronics ruined the younger generation, they will never have those fun stories to tell when they get older

    8. liberalhellhole on

      Drove 20km away with our bikes to the next village, stole a puppy, felt really bad, brought it back. Came back the next day with treats lmao

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