Just tell me like I’m five

    by GlooomySundays


    1. I mean for starters, diabetes, cancer (generally) and allergies aren’t contagious. So your shellfish sensitivity won’t shutdown the office or send grandpa to the ICU.

      Second, money spent on preventive health measures has a massive financial return, so the government is making a disproportionately big economical impact by spending money distributing vaccines.

    2. Jerkules accidentally made a salient point. Life-saving medicine should be free. Very out-of-character for him.

    3. Maybe because covid is contagious while diabetes, cancer and allergies aren’t. While I agree those things should be free, this moron can’t comprehend what false equivalence is.

    4. It’s because the spread is causing disruption in production and the government needs to stop it before it’s too late and economy collapses . If there’s no vaccines more lives would be lost and maybe even now every country would be struggling to work. In my country insulin is free because we care and actually it’s not that expensive. Only in America that the drug prices are over inflated

    5. Well, they weren’t free, taxes paid for it.

      But yes, I agree with Sorbo if he is suggesting those other things are something we should use taxes to pay for.

    6. The fucked up thing is he isn’t missing the point. I think he gets what he said, he just thinks if it’s life saving it should cost money

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