It’s really this simple- If you still support felon Trump and the Republican party that nominated him, you are a RACIST

    by rhino910


    1. All their other tactics have failed, so they’ve resorted to hard-R racism. Appeal to the lowest common denominator.

    2. It’s so weird… Every time Trump race-baits a place, the proud boys show up…

      Why aren’t they in California looking for this giant faucet?

    3. Is the Mango Mousillini going to come out again and tell them to “stand down and stand by”?

      Like what the actual fuck is happening here? What kind of crazy timeline are we living in?

      How long before someone with brown skin is going to get hurt or killed?

    4. Yes. My mother is all upset that I posted on FB that if you still back Trump you’re a Nazi. Too bad. Don’t care. You are a Nazi if you still back him. That includes my parents as heartbreaking as that is.

    5. Since Jan 6th all Trump, supporters enablers, hangers on and other assorted a$$ kissers are traitors. This bunch has racist scumbags as one of the reasons why.

    6. Isn’t it funny that he calls everything and everyone that’s not far right “radical left” while the proud boys and KKK actively jump in on his and JD’s calls in Springfield?

      I can only see moderate / centre and far right in America, but surely this is because there is only “fake media” outside Fox and Newsmax reach.

    7. Active-Water-0247 on

      The average American racist is the person who sees all the racist stuff if Trump’s orbit and says, “That’s an acceptable cost.”

    8. Russian assets marching in uniform down American streets.

      McCarthy was right. He was just born way, way too early

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