As if sharing an AI photo of her isn’t enough…

    by KevinPigaChu


    1. He wanted her to like him so bad! It’s like a stalker pretending you’re in a relationship. Weird and creepy.

    2. Feels like he’s been working real hard to reach out to the troll voters to let them know he’s one of them.

    3. And  when he’s confronted the dumbass is gonna say “i HaD nOThInG tO Do wItH tHaT” just like everything else 

    4. Idk man, maybe the president of the USA shouldn’t be participating in petty revenge moves on overall pretty harmless pop stars.

    5. ![gif](giphy|oyQ5Qf9Ihu3ctAe4hw|downsized)

      OHH MAN IT’S TIME. Grab a bucket and have a seat on the couch.

    6. I really hope she teaches him the hazards involved in taunting a billionaire with more fans than the US has voters.

    7. i hope Taylor sues him for some kind of defamation or copyright infringement and sues elon for harassment after his incredibly disgusting tweet a few days ago


    8. BgSwtyDnkyBlls420 on

      We should MRI some MAGA Swifties, I’m sure we would make revolutionary advancements in our understanding of Cognitive Dissonance

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