Anti-homeless architecture disguised as pro disabled

    by AntiFacistBossBitch


    1. DarkAutomatic519 on

      But anti-homeless stuff is actually fine in places where people are supposed to sit for a little while.

    2. Ulfric-the-king on

      I’m wheelchair-bound and have no problem sitting at the end there’s no need to cut the middle out not to mention that my chair would not go back due to the handles and metal bar at the back. this is just pointless.

    3. Disabled person here who has to occasionally use a wheelchair. Would rather park at either end than be squashed in the middle.

    4. EscapeWestern9057 on

      What’s fun is trying to use a bus stop in Philly, that’s been covered under a mountain of trash with a homeless crazy person perfectly camouflaged somewhere in it.

    5. I agree with everybody, but still don’t feel like we have enough information to fully assess what’s going on here. Are all the benches in this area like this, or just this one? If it’s just this one, then they did something weird, but apparently nice, by trying to allow wheelchair users to sit between two of their friends/family. If they’re all like this, then, yeah, no doubt about what they’re doing.

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