And what investigation is this again?! Weird.

    by Gamora3728


    1. Academic_Release5134 on

      He doesn’t believe any of this. He knows if he says it long enough and loud enough, people will believe it. Stop repeating it.

    2. Discredited by who, Donny? You, you imbecile fuck?

      Investigated? For what crime? Are you just making shit up again you putrid degenerate?

      Someone really needs to say these kinds of things to this demented orangutan at every opportunity.

    3. I guess Sherlock Loomer is working that case.

      can’t wait to read her findings…


    4. ApprehensiveCar9925 on

      Good lord, the cheese has completely slipped off the cracker and is on the floor being trampled.

    5. How does he not tire of screaming self praises into the void? I think the shrinking rallies are really getting to him. He is so weird.

    6. justhereforfighting on

      By “being investigated” he means people on Truth Social trying to go through the tapes with a microscope to find any hint of bias or any evidence that he performed as well as he thinks he did

    7. Was it really that difficult to guess what the questions were going to be? Clearly he’s one of those people that has never prepared for class, a test or interview. I think when asked about debate prep he said, “I do very little, I’ve been prepping my whole life”.

    8. This is raving lunacy. We’ve just come to expect it from him.

      “A person of extraordinary genius.” How insane do you have to be to call yourself that publicly?!?

    9. Distract, distract, distract.

      It’s not my kid killing animals, it’s Haitians! It’s not me without any policies, it’s *her*. I’m not a cheater with 34 felonies, it’s *ABC*. It’s not me tied to Russia, it’s *her*.

    10. Wonderful_Garbage229 on

      It’s all part of the coordinated effort to challenge the results. This is what he does. He builds his “case” months (years?) in advance so that, when he loses, his stupid cult followers are completely bought into the lie because he’s been feeding them a steady stream of bullshit lies. He knows exactly what he’s doing. Yes, I think he’s also demented and unhinged, but this stuff is very deliberate.

    11. Captainfartinstein on

      Rather than preparing at all or coming up with actual policy that people support. He would rather just lie and hope it becomes reality. Let’s see how that works out for him in November.

    12. My dude, people who WIN debates (and elections for that matter) don’t have to constantly go out there and remind everyone at every given moment using every platform and every media outlet that’s available.

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