The McDonald’s drive thru offers braille for people who are blind but they must drive to the 1st window

    by Pikachu-nazi


    1. I mean passengers exist…

      Also if it’s about not ordering at the speaker you order at the 1st window while looking at the menu

    2. I’m sure even blind people know what McD’s serve. Is a braille menu even necessary? Or why wouldn’t the driver explain their choices to them.

    3. Guys, it’s a given that the driver could just read the menu to them. But sometimes you just want to a read a menu yourself. This is inclusive. It’s nice to give people an option. I’d also imagine it’s much faster for some to read braille than for someone to relay to them each and every item.

    4. Well, they assume that anyone who is blind would not be driving and whoever is driving would be able to read that sign.

    5. At work there is a sign in braille next to the elevator that says during a fire don’t use the elevator you must use the stairs. Now it doesn’t say where the stairs are so if the building is on fire and you are blind and find that sign imagine the horror.

    6. Well, that sign is in the drive through so it’s for the driver of the car.

      The braille would be for the passenger to sit in the back seat and interact with the braille once the driver got to the first window.

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