Here we go again…

    by javelin3000


    1. The only loser I see is the one who makes up lies that causes bomb threats. Not the woman who did not put McDonald’s on a resume for her 4th legal job. He has no idea how resumes work He’s never had to make one in his life He’s never reviewed one a day in his life.

    2. Senior_Ganache_6298 on

      She didn’t work at McDonald’s? That’s it for her, no presidential candidate who hasn’t worked at McDonald’s should be taken seriously.

    3. evolveandprosper on

      The Republican’s have discovered Schrödinger’s job. She both had it and didn’t have it at the same time!

    4. How is it that this imbecile can’t understand that she’s not going to put McD’s on a resume for a legal job. It’s not like she kept the pay stubs. I worked at Pizza hut in college but it’s not like I would list it as “relevant experience” in my adult professional life.

    5. First_Assistant2876 on

      Before: I could never vote for someone who worked at McDonald’s!

      After: I could never vote for someone who hasn’t worked at McDonald’s!

    6. I love how you can tell his actual tweets from those of his staff by the second grade level spelling errors.

    7. The strongest argument supporting the idea that humanity is doomed, is the fact that millions of people thinks that this guy should be president of the usa again.

    8. Very presidential post. Thoughtful, mature and well worded, elegantly written, addressing relevant issues, with convincing, intelligent argumentation. If I were American, I d be so proud to have such a candidate to be my president. I would absolutely make sure to vote.

    9. DoTheRightThing1953 on

      Says the man who has never held a job his daddy didn’t give him and never done physical labor

    10. So if she never worked at McDonalds, that makes her unqualified for the job as president? Does that mean that Trump has worked at McDonald’s? Because I’m pretty sure he hasn’t.

    11. AccomplishedFerret70 on

      I was planning on voting for Kamala, but if she doesn’t have experience manning a fry station then I’ll to rethink my decision.

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