Elephant backs down when it gets charged by a baby water buffalo.

    by Smiles4YouRawrX3


    1. Elephant isn’t an asshole, and avoids confused baby water buffalo, goes on it’s way without incident.

    2. buffalo mom looked so concerned for her baby, pretty cute. And amazing how calm the elephant seemed to be about the situation aswell

    3. Most of the elephants I have worked with are the equivalent of silent adult humans of the same age. So you can pretty easily read what the elephant was saying. They’re really neat, and are individuals.

      One more elephant fact: they watch your face, your emotions, where you are looking, and your body language. They easily catch subtle “foolers” like saying nice calming things while getting close with bad intent. You throw a glance to your partner who you’re coordinating with? THEY SEE YOUR GLANCE and may take action. Think about what that entails.

      They’re not big dumb animals. And some of them are total dicks.

    4. This was not cowardice but mercy by an intelligent species that could easily destroy but understands kids can be kids.

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