The amount of wasps on these baked goods eating the glaze. The cakes used to be fully covered in white glaze.

    by PurpleTarantula


    1. I’ve never been fortunate enough to travel abroad. Is this common? We don’t order those or just shooo them away and carry on?

    2. Have you just been sitting there from the time they were not covered in wasps? Is that why you mentioned that they had all the white glaze on it prior to the wasps?

    3. I live in Canada and was at an open air farmers market two weeks ago…they were everywhere.

      They aren’t pleasant either. I got stung on my ankle a few years ago. I had to take Tylenol for five days to get to sleep due to the sting, then it became extremely itchy for another week.

      Nasty creatures!

    4. I don’t think extra spicy sky raisins are the kind of ingredient I’d want to eat and that looks like it’s loaded with them!

    5. Funny how they aren’t on anything else. Still I don’t think I would be buying anything there with the amount of wasps inside that case. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)

    6. If only there would be some sort of cover with which you can keep flies, bees, wasps and co away from the products they like. It should have a mesh like top so you can see through it but those pesky creatures won’t be able to get to the sweets. If only…

    7. Bright_Court5972 on

      I can’t tell, but are those yellow jackets? I hate those fuckers. They got me 10 times last summer, stuck to my pants and wouldn’t let go. My neighbors sure got a show that day when I stripped my pants and shoes off in my yard screaming and running lmao

    8. ImmaculateWeiss on

      For some reason the thought of a hundred wasps furiously licking frosting off a donut is kind of hilarious 

    9. The glaze on these cakes are like the sacrificial anodes on sailing ships. Luring the wasps in to save the rest of the baked goods.

    10. DredPirateStorm on

      I visited the Munich area last week and was surprised at how many bees were buzzing around all the pastries in the coffee shops I went to. Funny that this was posted right after I got back.

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