Saw this when I went into the hardware store this morning. Don’t know any details. Just figured I’d share.

    by voagteacher


    1. In the time it took them to type up this text document, print it, and hang it, they could’ve already cleaned it up by now.

      Yeah, it’s gross, but shit happens, you work retail, you do what’s gotta be done. I’ve cleaned my fair share of shitty toilets. Mask, elbow-length gloves, bleach, and lots of paper towels.

    2. Happened to a friends restaurant, unhinged person did it to the walls etc. They had to bring in a bio team to clean it.

    3. Don’t share with me, I like my toilets clean, I have a no friendly poo policy, maybe they should have as well!, Lol.

    4. Happened at a pizza place I used to work at. Only bathroom was behind the waiting area. Manager would occasionally let people use the bathroom if they were waiting on food. We used the bathroom as a bit of storage too, a few cleaning things, dirty rag bins and extra toilet paper.

      Then some asshat comes in and places and order. Pays in cash. After a few minutes of waiting, he asks if there’s a bathroom. Manager says sure and let’s him in. In all of 3 minutes, while the manager boxed up his order, this degenerate managed to shit on the sink, in the dirty rags, smeared it on all the extra rolls of toilet paper and even on the door.

      Manager finishes up the food and goes to hand it to the dude, but he’s gone. A bit confused, he doesn’t really think much of it. Maybe went out to smoke or take a phone call, whatever.

      Then poor Ashley gets back from a delivery. And goes to the bathroom. And then screams. We had to close for the day and also call hazmat cleaners. The manager filed a police report, and apparently, this guy had done it to 2 other places in the last week. I think he ended up getting charged after another place in the area got hit, and an officer just so happened recognized him as he was leaving.

      Some people shouldn’t be allowed outside. Dude didn’t even have any (dianosed) mental health issues, he just felt like making others miserable.

    5. I have seen lot of shit happened in Lowe’s when I worked as janitor before switched to order puller then overnight stocker. I’m glad that I took a different path away from janitorial career (working in remodeling business now).

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