You mean to tell me that MAGA lied?

    by Lord_Answer_me_Why


    1. You are right far more often if you assume everything the convicted felon and his MAGA cult says is a lie.

    2. That goose is injured, not dead. You can tell by the neck. If he was going to eat it he would kill it immediately. Carrying a live, even injured goose has risks you wouldn’t take if you were just going to kill it later.

    3. Some people latch onto anything…nipples, cheats, liars and grifters. All Donald Trump.

      Those poor people….I wonder how the televangelists they were funding for decades are doing now that all the funds are lining his ill-fitting suit pockets.

    4. I’m still baffled as to what Donald Trump would do differently so that nothing like this would ever happen again “on his watch”.

      Their consternation is nothing more than redneck cosplay.

    5. Conservative try not to be lying pieces of shit challenge (IMPOSSIBLE DIFFICULTY)(NOT CLICKBAIT)(GONE SEXUAL)

    6. whereegosdare84 on

      Barron Trump has killed more pets than Haitian immigrants living in Springfield Ohio have.

      RFK Jr has eaten more dogs than Haitian immigrants living in Springfield Ohio have.

    7. Tell my coworker Maga lied. He’ll fucking metamorphose into a necromorph and crawl into the men’s restroom. 

    8. Anyone who looks at a picture like that and takes it as proof of the person eating an animal lacks critical thinking skills. Why does it even need to be disproven? How about they submit some compelling proof?

    9. Sensitive-Painting30 on

      As Gomer Pile would say…
      Surprise …surprise…!! Seems not only are the Maga crowd gullible and sheeples…their leaders lie about absolutely everything …!!

    10. Professional-Dog-497 on

      Honestly, this whole story about Haitians eating cats and dogs is so absurd, you’d think it was from an episode of *The Simpsons.*

      “Did you know that every day Mexican gays sneak into this country and unplug our brain-dead ladies?”
      — Homer J. Simpson, 2007

      “They’re eating the cats!”
      — Donald Trump, 2024

    11. This sounds suspiciously like a reasonable explanation, and I refuse to let that interfere with my racism.

    12. Honestly, I’m surprised there’s even a void-of-context picture. It’s such a clearly stupid conspiracy theory that I really thought somebody just made it up out of whole cloth.

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