Cooked soup in my new pot, made a cool pattern

    by King_hack9


    1. I don’t think soup should make such an effect on the pot and I wouldn’t trust the safety of the pot anymore

    2. I clecked hoping some clever soul would have posted the explanation as so often happens on Reddit.

    3. Did you leave this on top of the hot hob / stove burner, after you’d 99% emptied the pot (leaving a few bits of rice in the bottom) ?

      The blueing of the stainless steel is oxidation.

      This can be from getting it pretty hot, but can also occur at more sensible temperatures; I have an insulated mug with a stainless steel inner liner, and after scouring it clean, it will take on this sort of blue colouration before turning more golden, and then eventually brown as numerous mugs of tea build up some hard scale.

    4. Ah yes, soup. And when was the last time someone cooked Mac and cheese in that dish? Cause it kinda looks like it was seared in then scrubbed off.

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