Thank you for your service, Trooper Karen

    by Unhappy_Bar_4696


    1. I hated these women I still do. Entitled as all fuck.

      I was 8 years old and my father, a career soldier, died.

      Listen bitch, you married the guy, you signed up for it. Nobody should have to bow and scrape, bend over and thank you for something you did on purpose. We might if we’re having an okay day thank your husband for his service, not thanking you for shit

    2. and the two glasses if chardonnay she was having with the guy shes cheating with while her husband is on active duty.
      shes a military spuse so its her right to not be lonely while her husband is on service. 

      its of course completely made up but imagine the entitlement. 😂

    3. Illustrious_Smile165 on

      it is illegal to use the military rank of their spouse to get special treatment. Hopefully karen gets in trouble soon

    4. Fit-Dimension-8982 on

      Lets give her free food now but no salary or benefits, we should compensate them for their service!

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